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How to Sending Keystrokes to Windows exe Programs

Python Blog #Author: ManishHacker1

Hello Guys, Today we will learn about How to send keystrokes to windows exe program using pyautogui module and using win32api.

If you want to friendship with a girl and you want to impress with your program and ask for friendship. Or if you want to all your daily computer work done automatically. Then you can also use python script.

For Example:

import time
import win32com
import win32com.client
import pyautogui

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch('WScript.Shell')
while True: 
    mm = pyautogui.typewrite('Hello Akan!, Will you friendship with me? If yes then tell me.', interval=0.25)'enter')
    pyautogui.typewrite('Your Wellwisher :)', interval=0.25)
    shell.SendKeys("{Enter}", 0)
    shell.SendKeys("{F5}", 0)   # F5 prints the time/date'enter')

The above programe need some requirment:

  • win32api: For windows purpose
  • pyautogui: For handle all keyboard functionality

Using pyautogui, You are able to handle all keyboard functionality.
Read full Documentation about pyautogui:pyautogui Documentation

Using pyautogui you can also create a amaging program. You can handle your daily same computer work just a one click. If you want to convert your program in exe. You can also use pyinstaller.

Thank You for reading this article.I hope this article helpful for biginners and newbie who do not know about sending keystrokes to Windows exe Program. If any query please comment. And also like my FB page givin below link and share it.

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