How to Install Kivy on Window 10

Python Secret #Author: ManishHacker1

Hello Everyone, Welcome to introduction Kivy. First off all we will be talking about Kivy. Kivy is a multi-platform application development kit, using Python. You will require a basic knowledge of Pyhton.

In this article we will learn about Mobile Application Development using Kivy and how to install Kivy in our windows Operating System.

  • Platform Independent
  • Kivy runs on various plateform
  • Android devices: Android Phone, Tablets
  • iOS Devices: iPhone, iPad
  • Desktop Computer Operating System: Windows Operating System, UNIX/Linux, MacOSX etc.

Kivy is a multi-touch framework for the Python. Kivy contain several objects, called widgets, to display a graphical user interface.Kivy is an Open Source Python library for rapid development of applications.

What can I do with Kivy Framework?

Using Kivy, you can develope everything which you can imagine. Using touch screen the user can interact with kivy application. You can make or possible do program Simple application and Office Applications, Games, etc.

  • Some important feature of Kivy
  • Kivy - Open Source Library
  • Kivy - Cross Plateform
  • Kivy - Business Friendly
  • Kivy - GPU accelerated
  • Kivy -
    • Fresh
    • - Fast
    • - Flexible
    • - Focused
    • - Funded
    • - Free

Enough introduction, let's get down to business.

Installation of the Kivy environment in our Operating System

Kivy depends on many Python libraries, such as pygame, gstreamer, PIL, Cairo, and more. They are not all required, but depending on the platform you’re working on.
We have just required Cython and Pygame.

Installation Step:

First of all open your Command Prompt and goto your pip installation path

1. Ensure you have the latest pip and wheel:
pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools

2. Install the dependencies
pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew

gstreamer for audio and video

Download Link:Download gstreamer

For Python 3.5 only we additionally offer angle which can be used instead of glew and can be installed with:

pip install kivy.deps.angle

3. Install kivy: pip install kivy

pip install --upgrade cython

That's it.

Core Provider and Input Provider
       Gesture Detection
       Kivy Language

UIX( Widgets and Layout)
     - Widgets
     - Layout

Input Events ( Touches)

First Application Develope

Sorce Code:

from kivy.uix.label import Label
from import App

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Label(text='Hello world')
if __name__ == '__main__':

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