Hello Friends...this is my new article for those guys who are not able to express their feelings...and unable to say anything to their loved ones...for this reason, i wrote a program for those guys...How to Express Your Feelings to the One You Love?? Not everyone finds expressing their feelings easily or bring them out naturally. While the stereotype is that men have the hardest time expressing their emotions, everyone at one time or another in their life may find it difficult to say how they feel....
If you want to propose a girl please download GEEK's PROPOSAL and send GEEK's PROPOSAL (Love Matrix) to the girl you love the most..
Step 2: First Install Love Matrix by running the installer file.
step 3: After that Enter your first name(dont enter your surname. For eg. if your name is "Mansi Sharma" then type in "Mansi") and press ENTER.
step 4: After that select option 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 and press ENTER..
step 5: Thereafter type your password.Your name is your password..
before sending my program to the girl you love the most, plz edit the contact info
ECHO Again Enter the CORRECT password
set /p pass=password:
if %pass%==%name% goto Access Granted
if %pass%==goto WRONG
goto WRONG
echo Sorry, acces deniad
goto PASS
echo access deniad
goto PASS
:Access Granted
color a
echo Access Granted, Welcome.
echo my name is...ManishHacker1
echo my mo no....9045751674
echo welcome to the app chooser...
echo ---------------------------
echo ---------------------------
echo 1 facebook
echo 2 about.me
echo 3 Kryptora
echo 4 Twitter
echo 5 gmail
set /p user=go ahead make a choice (p.s. members can add new links and app ideas!):
if "%user%"=="1" start http://www.facebook.com/manishhacker1
if "%user%"=="2" start http://about.me/ManishHacker1
if "%user%"=="3" start http://www.kryptora.org
if "%user%"=="4" start https://twitter.com/manishhacker1
if "%user%"=="6" start https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http://mail.google.com/mail/&scc=1
goto welcome
Plz suggest me any moderation of this program....
Thank u..
If you want to propose a girl please download GEEK's PROPOSAL and send GEEK's PROPOSAL (Love Matrix) to the girl you love the most..
Step 2: First Install Love Matrix by running the installer file.
step 3: After that Enter your first name(dont enter your surname. For eg. if your name is "Mansi Sharma" then type in "Mansi") and press ENTER.
step 4: After that select option 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 and press ENTER..
step 5: Thereafter type your password.Your name is your password..
ECHO Again Enter the CORRECT password
set /p pass=password:
if %pass%==%name% goto Access Granted
if %pass%==goto WRONG
goto WRONG
echo Sorry, acces deniad
goto PASS
echo access deniad
goto PASS
:Access Granted
color a
echo Access Granted, Welcome.
echo my name is...ManishHacker1
echo my mo no....9045751674
echo welcome to the app chooser...
echo ---------------------------
echo ---------------------------
echo 1 facebook
echo 2 about.me
echo 3 Kryptora
echo 4 Twitter
echo 5 gmail
set /p user=go ahead make a choice (p.s. members can add new links and app ideas!):
if "%user%"=="1" start http://www.facebook.com/manishhacker1
if "%user%"=="2" start http://about.me/ManishHacker1
if "%user%"=="3" start http://www.kryptora.org
if "%user%"=="4" start https://twitter.com/manishhacker1
if "%user%"=="6" start https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http://mail.google.com/mail/&scc=1
goto welcome
Plz suggest me any moderation of this program....
Thank u..
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